
Monday 7 December 2015

Monday 30 November 2015

Qweshan is cool

On Monday a boy name Arkar was traveling to find his mum and dad.

He was in a storm. But he c find them. He looked under mounting

over matss and theory mounting  but he couldnt find them.

He went to a volcano and he find his mum and dad but the volcano started to rabl

Tuesday 24 November 2015

The film festival

Tuesday 24 November

On Monday it was the film festival but it was in the hall my favourite movie was room 26s.

It reminded my of a memory of my mum driving there  After I did the speech the came on.

Monday 9 November 2015


On Thursday we went to the museum when we got there we sor Sharks.

In awar grop  we had qweshan Ezra Kingston and Joseph but we sor fossil.

And the bes of all we sor a Palentologists.

Friday 11 September 2015

Qweshans mr Burt

Mr Burt you are so cool and fun to play.

You are so responsible because you have a great way of saying that.

Qweshans Emma berry

Miss berry is the best teacher in the world because she teach us all about luring
I'm am learning to do groups of 3
As the sun shines on the ice cream it glistens a the ice crem look like all ow ball the ice crem cone look
like a spy glass and the ice crem look like creamy

Thursday 10 September 2015

I love Duffy and it cool to read.

Qweshans dye

We yust blue yellow green and rose ponk
But it was had to get the dye of the paintbrush. 
Wen miss berry pot in the detergent it went pop.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Qweshansling x-man

X-man is cool  x-man is Brav x-man is fun x-man so go on aw bogle

Qweshans superman

Superman is fast superman is strong  superman is smart superman

Has lass and he is cool and fun

Monday 7 September 2015

Qweshans batman

Batman hides in the night and he search of dander with his Biggs tv but its gust a Biggs tv it's a robot. And he hes the badguys and he punches and then he Gos back to his bat cav.

The minions are so cool and fun and they have 1or2 eye and it's so fun.

Qweshansling ice cream

2 cups of cream.

1'/2 cups of condensed milk.


1.) Mix together eream and condensed milk with beater.

Add your flavours.

Put in container and freeze orernnight.

Thursday 27 August 2015

As the sun shines on the ice cream it glistens a the ice crem look like all ow ball the ice crem cone look
like a spy glass and the ice crem look like creamy

Monday 20 July 2015

Thursday 25 June 2015

My favourite part of the story was when the lion Jumped on the rhino.

And my other favourite part of the story was then lion fell onto the porcuping.

And it was at the jungu the End 

Monday 22 June 2015

The Truffula tree

Once a upon a time there was a once-ler he gave the boy the seed.

The last Truffula tree and the boy plated it and gave it water and sun.

And it gorw.

And he gave the Truffula tree to has friend .

Has friend plated it in the model of town.

Eveny body can see the Truffula tree

Thursday 18 June 2015

Thursday 28 May 2015

This was from Joseph thanks for the envelope I like your sfyle 

Thursday 21 May 2015